Aion 100 slot cube quest

The max number of cube slots has been 99 (11 rows) for some time. The reference to a 100 slot cube in the Vindachinerk quest is the 99 slots plus the overflow slot. The expert crafting expansion is for your warehouse space. The 12th row will be opening up with the 2 year vet reward.

Инвентарь в Aion называется Куб и за раз его можно увеличивать на один ряд из 9 ячеек. Пять расширителей Куба можно купить и еще два можно получить за квесты.Квест начинается у Демодока, который находится прямо за лифтовой платформой под Храмом стражников. iOS - Aion - Ancient cube quest guide Aion Cube Expansion Guide (Elyos) Aion Cube Expansion Guide (Elyos).Crystal Aion - Going to Oriel/Pernon to get your mount! Aion cube expansion Aion - Materials for 100 slot-Cube [Asmodian]. Quest Asmodian [lvl 35+] : Materials for 100 slot-Cube. Aion 6.x - Kubrinerk's Cube Laboratory. For any questions you can leave them as comments bellow, if you like it, a thumbs up its always welcome, if not, constructive feedback its also...

Расширение инвентаря (мешка) - Полезное - AION - Каталог…

Pandaemonium (Aion Quest Series) :: Wiki :: EverQuest :: ZAM By Slot; By Zone; By Lore Group; Lucy; Quests. By Item; By Faction; By Zone; Monster Missions; Quest Lists (Aion Quest Series) Aion: The Asmodian Quest Series; Ishalgen Pandaemonium Altgard Morheim Brusthonin Beluslan Reshanta; Pandaemonium Quest Series: Starting Zone: Pandaemonium: Rec. Levels: 10 to 50: Contents [hide] Vifrost Bridge ... Broken crystal ball - General Discussion - Aion Online Feb 05, 2018 · There's a secret quest where if you gather a million and so of them, you can unlock a billion slot cube. Unfortunately, I don't think that quest works in 5.X. It required you to order food from a Seattle-specific restaurant, and they don't ship to California.

Заранее приношу извинения за английский язык в названиях квестов и китайских скринах. (Играю на евро, гайд писал когда играл в китае). Впринципе тут все ясно и понятно. "Materials for 100-slot Cube".

AION 6.0 - A New Dawn Take off into the world of fantasy MMORPG AION Free-to-Play and fight for the fate of your people – on the ground and in the air! – Feel free to play ... She will be able to tell you more about the Luna Cube and also gives out quests for Takki's Adventure. The Luna Cube ... The first two slots are available at no cost. If you ... Stigma build thread (4.8 and after) - Aion Online Three slots for normal stigmas, two for greater and one for a major stigma. The 'middle' slot is called the 'linked' stigma and only appears when five 'chargeable' stigmas are socketed. Certain old stigmas were made into regular skills - and various changes to all skill specifics.

Aion: Guía de expansión del cubo - SigT

Асмо квест - 35 лвл (Цепочка 100-slot cube) | Форум -… вот скрин с корейской базы по квестам Materials for 100-slot Cube - Aion PowerBook Materials for 100-slot Cube. From Aion PowerBook. Создание куба с сотней ячеек - Задание, Миссия, Заказ... Главная » Квесты » Задания. Создание куба с сотней ячеек Materials for 100-slot Cube.Примечание: Если в описании прохождения квеста не указаны мобы с которых падают необходимые для квеста вещи, пройдите по ссылкам этих вещей в блоке описания квеста... Materials for a 100-slot Cube

Legendary Firebrand Harp - Aion Codex

Open Stigma Slots Aion - Unlocking Greater Stigma Slots EditDecline Edit 100 Lions Slot Machine Free Download LEAVE A COMMENT. Jeu Casino Gratuit Bandit Manchot. Thread Tools In Poker which is the Better Hand Aion how to get stigmas. Check Quest Cube and read the Sanctum Support Manual.[%2] Click Bounty in the Quest window or talk with Miriya. 6.2 First Info - General Discussion - Aion EN 1. Cubic that can improve your characters abilities was added 4120180309164153.jpg 2. Power shards are back 420180309164254.png 3. New solo instance that looks like Weapons Factory was added 5120180309164432.jpg 5220180309164436.jpg 5. Jak powiększyć cube - Daeva's Report Quest odsyła nas do Shugo, który powiększa nasze inventory. 7 rozszerzenie (81-90 slot): na 35 levelu odblokuje nam się drugi quest na powiększenie torby, ten jednak jest bardziej skomplikowany (chain quest) – dla Asmodian startowy quest to: Materials for 100-slot Cube, a dla Elyosów: The Legend of Vindachinerk. Chain wymaga od nas ...

The player’s inventory cube is limited to initially 27 slots plus 1 extra slot for quest items. They moreover have a Special Cube where all quest items will automatically be placed into in order to free space in the regular inventory cube. Players are able expand their inventory by visiting Cube Artisans to purchase additional slots. Category:Reshanta (Aion Quests by Zone) :: Wiki :: Rift :: ZAM Vet Rewards; World Events. Carnival of the Ascended; Fae Yule